Open POD pod
Explaining what Peer Supported Open Dialogue actually entails can be challenging. Talking about talking in order to explain the content of a network meeting is like trying to hold smoke, as Amanda puts it. In this series we hope to record conversations that are dialogical and form a dialogue, with insights from creators, practitioners and teachers of Open Dialogue. We would love it if we could form a dialogue with you. We would like to quite literally demystify what Open Dialogue is all about by having a dialogue about it.
Open POD pod
5 Acting on the listening
Exploring what Peer-Supported Open Dialogue is by creating a dialogue about it. In this fifth episode, Billy and Amanda think together of how Jaako Seikkula started to think about needs-adapted ways of working in 1992 and where we are now. We reflect together on safeguarding and how to handle it openly, using terms of safety rather than risk.